The Unlocking History Team

Unlocking History is the name for our group of conservators, paleographers, literary scholars, historians, publishers, book-artists, imaging experts, engineers, and scientists who are interested in the historical practice of letterlocking. We want to make sure letters are conserved properly so that they can be studied for the verifiable secrets they reveal. The material features of letters can speak to us about the past, but in order to hear them we have to learn their language.


Jana Dambrogio, Orcid Bib

Thomas F. Peterson (1957) Conservator, Wunsch Conservation Laboratory, MIT Libraries. Director and Founder of Unlocking History Research Group, General Editor of and Dictionary of Letterlocking (DoLL), and the Co-author of Letterlocking: The Hidden History of the Letter.


UH Team


Dr Daniel Starza Smith

Senior Lecturer in Early Modern English Literature (1500-1700), Department of English, King's College London, UK. Co-author of Letterlocking: The Hidden History of the Letter and co-founder of Unlocking History Research Group.

Dr Athanasios Velios

linked data Consultant for the Dictionary of Letterlocking. Reader in Documentation, University of the Arts London

Linda Evans and Walter Evans, MD

Teresa Leone. Copy editor of the Dictionary of Letterlocking. Ohio

Teresa Leone

Copy editor of the Dictionary of Letterlocking. Ohio

Laura BergemannGraduate Student, New York University, Institute of Fine Arts, New York

Laura Bergemann

Graduate Student, New York University, Institute of Fine Arts, New York

Jennifer Pellecchia COPY EDITOR. Massachusetts

Jennifer Pellecchia

COPY EDITOR. Massachusetts

Amanda GhassaeiAlgorithm Engineer Lead, California

Amanda Ghassaei, ORCID Bib

Algorithm Engineer Lead, California

Holly JacksonAlgorithm Engineer, MIT Class of 2022. NASA Ames Research Center, Coded Structures Lab

Holly Jackson, Orcid Bib

Algorithm Engineer, MIT Class of 2022. NASA Ames Research Center, Coded Structures Lab

Martin DemaineAngelika and Barton Weller Artist-in-Residence in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Technical Instructor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Glass Lab, MIT

Martin Demaine

Angelika and Barton Weller Artist-in-Residence in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Technical Instructor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Glass Lab, MIT

Prof. Erik DemaineComputer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT

Prof. Erik Demaine

Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT

Dr Graham DavisQueen Mary, University of London, Institute of Dentistry

Prof. Graham Davis

Queen Mary, University of London, Institute of Dentistry

Dr David MillsQueen Mary, University of London, Institute of Dentistry

Dr David Mills

Queen Mary, University of London, Institute of Dentistry

Sheree Watson, MD.  Copy editor. and Researcher, New York

Sheree Watson, MD.

Copy editor. and Researcher, New York

Tracy Chang, PAGUChef, Owner, Chief of Pugs. Massachusetts

Tracy Chang, PAGU

Chef, Owner, Chief of Pugs. Massachusetts

Dr Nadine AkkermanAssociate Professor in early modern English Literature, Leiden University

Prof. Nadine Akkerman

Professor in early modern English Literature, Leiden University


Yasmeen Alfaqeeh. LeAd Illustrator and Designer. California

Dorian Aguilar Copy Editor. California

Dr Ruben Verwaal-van der Linden2019 NWO Rubicon postdoctoral fellow, Durham University

Dr Ruben Verwaal

Curator, Erasmus University Medical Centre

Dr David Verwaal-van der LindenAssistant Professor in Early Modern History at Radboud University, Nijmegen

Dr David van der Linden

Assistant Professor in Early Modern History at University of Groningen

DR Rebekah ahrendtAssociate Professor, Department of Media and Cultural Studies, Utrecht University

Dr Rebekah Ahrendt

Associate Professor, Department of Media and Cultural Studies, Utrecht University

Dennis FlynnEditor

Dennis Flynn


Nicole Araya Lead Illustrator and Designer, California

Nicole Araya

Lead Illustrator and Designer, California

Kate ScottMIT Class of 2018. Department of Material Science and Engineering, MIT
Carla Shroer, Cultural Heritage ImagingFounder and Director. California

Carla Shroer

Founder and Director. California, Cultural Heritage Imaging

Prof. Neil GershenfeldDirector, The Center for Bits and Atoms

Prof. Neil Gershenfeld

Director, The Center for Bits and Atoms

Emily CohenRare Book and Manuscript Conservator, Associate Editor of Dictionary of Letterlocking (DoLL), 2016–2018. Massachusetts.

Emily Cohen

Rare Book and Manuscript Conservator, Team member and Research Assistant 2016–2018.


Ayako LetiziaRare Book and Manuscript Conservator and Conservation Associate, Wunsch Conservation Laboratory, MIT Libraries, Associate Editor of the Dictionary of Letterlocking (DoLL).

Ayako Letizia

2016–2020 Rare Book and Manuscript Conservator, Team member and Research Assistant.

Brien BeidlerBookBinder. Associate Editor of Dictionary of Letterlocking (DoLL), 2016–2018. Indiana

Brien Beidler

BookBinder. Team member and Research Assistant 2016–2018.

Mary UthuppuruArtist, SpringLeaf Press. Associate Editor of Dictionary of Letterlocking (DoLL), 2016–2017. indiana

Mary Uthuppuru

Artist, SpringLeaf Press. Team member and Research Assistant 2016–2018.

Annie DunnWeb designer, 2016–2018. MIT Class of 2017. Department of Material Science and Engineering, MIT. Massachusetts

Annie Dunn

Web designer, 2016–2018. MIT Class of 2017. Department of Material Science and Engineering, MIT. Massachusetts

Jordi RochaSocial Media Outreach Lead and Research Assistant, Finland

Jordi Rocha

2020–2021 Social Media Outreach Lead and Research Assistant, Finland

Rufeida alhatimy 2020 King’s Undergraduate research fellow (KURF), King’s College London, UK

Rufeida alhatimy

2020 King’s Undergraduate research fellow (KURF), King’s College London, UK

Camille DekeyserRare Book and Manuscript Conservator. England

Camille Dekeyser

Rare Book and Manuscript Conservator. England

Tomas Brown2018 King's Undergraduate Research Fellow (KURF), King's College London, UK

Tomas Brown

2018 King's Undergraduate Research Fellow (KURF), King's College London, UK

simon Kim2018 Wunsch Conservation Lab Student Worker, MIT

simon Kim

2018 Wunsch Conservation Lab Student Worker, MIT

Caitlin Jenkins2017 King's Undergraduate Research Fellow (KURF), King's College London, UK

Caitlin Jenkins

2017 King's Undergraduate Research Fellow (KURF), King's College London, UK

Zimin Cheng2017 King's Undergraduate Research Fellow (KURF), King's College London, UK

Zimin Cheng

2017 King's Undergraduate Research Fellow (KURF), King's College London, UK

Lucy Brown2014–2018 Wunsch Conservation Lab Student Worker, MIT

Lucy Brown

2014–2018 Wunsch Conservation Lab Student Worker, MIT

Udit Mahalingam2021 King's Undergraduate Research Fellow (KURF), King's College London, UK

Udit Mahalingam

2021 King's Undergraduate Research Fellow (KURF), King's College London, UK

Millie Sidebottom2021 King's Undergraduate Research Fellow (KURF), King's College London, UK

Millie Sidebottom

2021 King's Undergraduate Research Fellow (KURF), King's College London, UK


Alison Wiggins, PhD

Amanda Gittens

Andrea Clarke

Ariana Rutledge

Brian Chan

Caroline Chea

Dagmar Freist

Diana Henderson

Emilie Hardman

Heidi Kyle

Jacky Martin

Jessica Spring

Jonas Kantola

Justyna Wubs-Mrozewicz

Kate Cherian

Leslie Morris

Linnea Vegh

Lorraine Bigrigg

Lucas Haasis

Marc Hammonds

Mark Mudge

Marlin Lum

Matthew Li

Nicholas Sikellis

Patricia Merrikin

Stephen Skuce

Ulla Warchol

Vincent Thuet


Our team of letterlockers

Our Partners

Early Modern Letters Online (EMLO)

Cultures of Knowledge, a collaboration between the Bodleian Library and the Humanities Division of the University of Oxford. EMLO is the first online platform to adopt our letterlocking format and category assignments for letters found in the Brienne Collection catalogue. 

The Feathers Project

The Prize Papers

Message in a Bottle Research Team

Ward 16 Project