List – cite locked letters by UH Number

See below how to cite our work in your projects. 

Underlined UH numbers link to technical information and downloadable resources (images, articles, foldables, computational unfolding code). 

Welcome to our Unlocking History cataloging system with information. Below is a growing list of our inventory of letters we’ve viewed from more than 70 archives from around the world. We’ve catalogued more than 6,300 letters or historic items related to letterlocking and document security.


Found in all of our resources, we refer to letters by UH# and videos of them by LUV#. Here you will find letters arranged by UH# for ease of reference, with full citation details and access to freely available resources and technical information for the letter. We also give citation details for our models of that letter if they are stored in the Unlocking History Research Group archive in the Department of Distinctive Collections at MIT Libraries. In addition, we supply citation details for instructional videos of that letter, if any exists.

Unlocking History Research Group archive at MIT Libraries, MC0760

Our models of letters, and some original letters, are held in the Unlocking History Research Group archive at MIT Libraries, in a series of boxes numbered 1 to 52. The short form for this collection, used through this list of sources, is “MIT, MC0760,” followed by the box number.

The Brienne Collection

The Brienne Collection is cataloged by Sound and Vision The Hague as “I 46.” Letters within the collection are marked “DB” (an abbreviation of “De Brienne”), followed by a unique four-digit number. Hence, a full inventory number would be “I 46: DB-XXXX,” but in our book this has been abbreviated to “DB-XXXX.”

LUV#s & UH#s

It is worth noting that not every UH# matches the corresponding LUV#. The first 250 LUV#s do match their UH#s, but after that the numbers diverge so that, for example, UH6107 (Pagu nonagon, 2017) is matched to LUV277. Some letters do not have matching instructional videos at all. For example, UH0277 (John Donne to Sir Henry Marten) does not have a corresponding LUV#.

Contributing authors of our videos 

Contributing authors of our videos are signaled with the following initials: AG = Amanda Ghassaei; AL = Ayako Letizia; BB = Brien Beidler; DF = Dennis Flynn; DSS = Daniel Starza Smith; EHC = Emily Hishta Cohen; HK = Hedi Kyle; HJ = Holly Jackson; JD = Jana Dambrogio; JP = Jennifer Pellecchia; LH = Lucas Haasis; LE = Linda Evans; LM = Leslie Morris;

LMS = Lucy May Schofield; NA = Nadine Akkerman; NiA = Nicole Araya; RA = Rufeida Alhatimy; RV = Ruben Verwaal; SW = Sheree Watson, MD; SSU = The Signed, Sealed, and Undelivered team; TC = Tracy Chang; TL = Teresa Leone; UHRG = Unlocking History Research Group; UW = Ulla Warchol; WE = Walter O. Evans, MD.

UH0001 (LUV001)

Original and model: MIT, MC0760, Box 31.

Video: JD, “The first letterlocking video (2005): the triangle

paper lock, Italy (1580s).” Filmed: June 2005. Duration: 0:40. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0004 (LUV004, LUV105)

Original: Tomaso di Levrieri to Priore Padre Ludovicho (August 13, 1591). Vatican Apostolic Archive, Fondo Veneto II, container 670, folder 2. Model: Box 15.

Video: (LUV004) JD, UHRG, “Triangle lock with slit parallel

to the fore-edge, Europe and England (1560s–1700s).” Filmed: June 2014. Duration: 2:38. Accessed March 4, 2025.

Video: (LUV105) JD, UHRG. Title: “Locked letters and other documents in a gathered and tied binding, Italy (1570s-1650s).” Filmed: October 2016. Duration: 7:35–12:00 out of 13:04.

Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0005 (LUV005)

Original: Bosuto di Parona to Reverend Ambrosio (1494). San Girolamo di Vicenza, Istrumenti e Carte del Secolo XV, Vatican Apostolic Archive, Fondo Veneto, Sezione II, container 670, folder 3, last letter. Model: Box 15.

Video: JD, UHRG, “Triangle-shaped paper lock with slit perpendicular to the fore-edge, Italy (1494).” Filmed: June 2014. Duration: 3:46. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0013 (LUV013)

Original: Elizabeth I to Sir Ralph Sadler (August 12, 1584). British Library, Add. MS 89293, fols. 1r–4v. Model: Box 16.

Video: JD, UHRG, “Elizabeth I’s letter about England’s most dangerous prisoner, Mary, Queen of Scots, England (1584).” Filmed: June 2014. Duration: 2:01. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0014 (LUV014)

Original: Drawing: FVII Document security categorization of letters, maps, and bookbindings. Drawing: Box 4.

UH0015 (LUV015, LUV020, LUV260)

Original: Elizabeth I to Sir Ralph Sadler (December 3, 1584). British Library, Add. MS 89293, fols. 9r–10v. Model: Box 16.

Video (LUV015): JD, UHRG, “Triangle lock with slit perpendicular to fore-edge, England (1584).” Filmed: June 2014. Duration: 3:52. Accessed March 4, 2025.

Video (LUV020): JD, UHRG, “Detail, triangle lock with slit perpendicular to fore-edge, England (1584).” Filmed: April 2014. Duration: 0:08. Accessed March 4, 2025.

Video (LUV260): JD, DSS, UHRG, “Elizabeth I to Sir Ralph Sadler: triangle lock w/slit perpendicular to fore-edge, England (1584).” Filmed: July 30, 2021. Duration: 6:31. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0016 (LUV016)

Original: Lucy May Schofield’s artist book, Pis’ma-treigol’niki

= Letters of Triangles (2013). MIT, SMALL N7433.4.S36 P57 2013.

Model: Box 25.

Video: LMS, JD, UHRG, “Lucy May Schofield’s ‘Pis’ma-treigol’niki

= Letters of Triangles,’ England (2013).” Filmed: June 2014. Duration: 0:22. Accessed March 4, 2025.


Original: Brienne Trunk, Brienne Collection, Sound & Vision The Hague.

UH0023 (LUV023)

Original: Constantijn Huygens to Amalia von Solms (July 9, 1635), The Royal Collections of the Netherlands (Koninklijke Verzamelingen), Archive Amalia von Solms, A14a-IIIc-1. Accessed March 4, 2025. 

Model: Box 26.

Video: JD, NA, UHRG, “Tiny spy letter: Constantijn Huygens to Amalia von Solms, Neer (1635).” Filmed: September 2014. Duration: 4:43. Accessed March 4, 2025. 

UH0027 (LUV027)

Original: John Donne to Sir Thomas Egerton (February 12, 1602). Folger Shakespeare Library, L.b. 528. 

Model: Box 17.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “The John Donne lock, England (1601/1602).” Filmed: February 2015. Duration: 4:05. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0028 (LUV029)

Original: John Donne to Sir Robert Cotton, England (1602), British Library, Cotton MS Cleopatra F. VII, fols. 293–294.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “John Donne’s triangle-locked letter to Sir Robert Cotton, England (1602).” Filmed: February 2015. Duration: 3:20. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0030 (LUV030)

Original: John Donne to Sir Nicholas Carew (June 21, 1625). Houghton Library, Harvard University, GEN MS Eng 1290. Model: Box 17.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “John Donne’s tuck-and-seal letter to Sir Nicholas Carew, England (1625).” Filmed: February 2015. Duration: 2:40. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0035 (LUV035) 

Research prep: Box 19.

Video: JD, NA, AL, UHRG, “Container egg for secret messages (1579).” Filmed: May 2015. Duration: 6:10. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0037 (LUV037)

Original: Dino Belardinelli to Signora Natalina Belardinelli (December 27, 1944). MIT, MC0760, Box 31. Model: Box 25

Video: JD, UHRG, “WWII prisoner of war letter from a son to his mother, Oran, Algeria (1944).” Filmed: July 2016. Duration: 0:34. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0038 (LUV269)

Original and model: Box 25. 

Video: NiA, JD, UHRG, “Love bug—numbered Foldable version, USA (2021).” Filmed: July 30, 2021. Duration: 4:58. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0040 (LUV040)

Original: Mahmud ibn Muhammad, Bey of Tunis, to President James Madison (September 24, 1817). US National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 59, General Records of the Department of State. Series: Communications from Heads of Foreign States, 1789–1909,

National Archives ID 302026. File Unit: Ceremonial

Letters from Tunis, ID 5527490., pp. 7–13.

Model: Box 26.

Video: JD, UHRG, “Ceremonial letter with removable lock from Bey Mahmud ibn Muhammad to President James Madison, Tunis (1817).” Filmed: December 2015. Duration: 4:24. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0042 (LUV042)

Original: Elizabeth I to Sir Ralph Sadler (October 31, 1584).

British Library, Add. MS 89293, fols. 7r–8v.

Model: Box 16.

Video: JD, UHRG, “Queen Elizabeth I of England, triangle lock (1584).” Filmed: December 2015. Duration: 4:25. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0044 (LUV044)

Original: M.A. de la misericorde de Jesus Christ to Madame Collin (1691). Brienne Collection, Sound & Vision, The Hague, DB-1465.

Model: Box 21.

Video: JD, SSU, UHRG, “A pleated letter from a nun to her mother, France (1691).” Filmed: December 2015. Duration: 3:37. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0047 (LUV047)

Original: Hansen van Muers Leendert to Marie Janse Jean van Gorecomt (January 20, 1694). Brienne Collection, Sound & Vision The Hague, DB-1876.

Model: Box 21.

Video: JD, SSU, UHRG, “‘I wish you 100,000 good nights . . . ,’ diamond letter, Holland (1694).” Filmed: December 2015. Duration: 2:25. w3FXlLGxtNo. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0048 (LUV048)

Original: André le Maistre to Reverend Father Dom Francois Bougais (January 17, 1702). Brienne Collection, Sound & Vision The Hague, DB-2040.

Model: Box 21.

Video: JD, SSU, UHRG, “André le Maistre’s pleated letter to Father François Bougais, France (1702).” Filmed: December 2015. Duration: 3:21. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0050 (LUV050)

Original: Gabrielle Bertras to Francois Mequigno (November 19, ca. 1689–1706). Brienne Collection, Sound & Vision The Hague, DB-2159.

Model: Box 21.

Video: JD, SSU, UHRG, “Gold-flecked seal ‘rectangle inside,’ France (1690–1711).” Filmed: December 2015. Duration: 2:47. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0051 (LUV051)

Original: Unknown to Monsieur Suijthoff, France (ca. 1689–1706). Brienne Collection, Sound & Vision The Hague, DB-0833.

Model: Box 21.

Video: JD, SSU, UHRG, “Hate Mail?: A diamond-shaped letter.” France (ca. 1689–1706). Filmed: December 2015. Duration: 2:55. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0052 (LUV052)

Original: Simkin G., Field PO Box 03142, to Simkin M.M. (1944). MIT, MC0760, Box 31.

Model: Box 25.

Video: JD, DSS, “Russian WWII soldier triangle letter, Russia (1944).” Filmed: December 2015. Duration: 1:33. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0053, UH0020 envelope (LUV053)

Original: Weronika Gralak to Władysława Kerbaczewska (1953). MIT, MC0760, Box 31.

Model: Box 25.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Weronika Gralak locked letter to Władysława Kerbaczewska, Poland (1957).” Filmed: December 2015. Duration: 1:34. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0058 (LUV058)

Original and model: Box 31.

Video: JD, AL, UHRG, “Triangle format, Japan.” Filmed: December 2015. Duration: 2:08. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0059 (LUV059)

Original and model: Box 25.

Video: JD, AL, UHRG, “Hexagon format, Japan.” Filmed: December 2015. Duration: 1:59. Accessed March 4, 2025.


Original: Elizabeth I’s letter to Sir Ralph Sadler (April 10, 1585). British Library, Add. MS 89293, fols. 82r–83v.

Model: Box 16.

UH0061 (LUV061)

Original: Empress Maria Theresa of Austria to His Eminence Cardinal Ignazio Boncompagni Ludovisi (December 17, 1775). Boncompagni Ludovisi Archive (Villa Aurora), Rome, Italy.

Model: Box 26. 

Video: JD, UHRG, “Empress Maria Theresa’s letter to Cardinal Ignazio Boncompagni Ludovisi, Austria (1775).” Filmed: December 2015. Duration: 4:32. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0063 (LUV063)

Original: Unidentified writer to Vasilev Koryachev (1944).

MIT, MC0760, Box 31.

Model: Box 25.

Video: JD, UHRG, “WWII Russian soldier triangle letter with drawing (1940s).” Filmed: December 2015. Duration: 1:21. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0064 (LUV064)

Original: Desiderius Erasmus to Bruno Amerbach (November 4?, 1517). Houghton Library, Harvard University, Gen. MS Lat 200.1.

Model: Box 29.

Video: JD, UHRG, “Desiderius Erasmus’ tucked triangle lock, Europe (1517).” Filmed: December 2015. Duration: 3:43. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0069 with UH4036 (LUV069)

Original: John Smith to Charles Achman (May 24, 1699). Brienne Collection, Sound & Vision The Hague, DB-0799-1-2.

Model: Box 21.

Video: JD, SSU, UHRG, “John Smith’s letter wrapper, France (1699).” Filmed: September 2016. Duration: 4:49. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0070 (LUV070)

Original: Proust to Mlle Proust, France (ca. 1689–1706). Brienne Collection, Sound & Vision The Hague, DB-1590.

Model: Box 21.

Video: JD, SSU, UHRG, “The tiniest undelivered letter, France (1690–1711).” Filmed: September 2016. Duration: 2:12. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0071 (LUV071)

Original: Gallois to Monsieur Gallois, Commis au Port de Pille (1700). Brienne Collection, Sound & Vision The Hague, DB-0495.

Model: Box 21.

Video: JD, SSU, UHRG, “Diagonal rectangles, France (1695, 1700).” Filmed: September 2016. Duration: 7:04. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0072 (LUV072)

Original: Simeon Foxe to Sir Robert Cecil, addressed to Thomas Wilson (August 29, 1601). The National Archives, Kew, SP 101/81, fols. 344/345.

Model: Box 29.

Video: JD, UHRG, “Intelligencer Simeon Foxe’s dagger-trap pleated letter sent from Venice (1601).” Filmed: September 2016. Duration: 12:11. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0073 (LUV073)

Original: Gio. Pietro Sementri to the most Reverend Padre Daniele Rosa (April 23, 1613). Vatican Apostolic Archives, Fondo Veneto II, container 796.

Model: Box 15.

Video: JD, UHRG, “The sword lock: A letter from Gio. Pietro Sementri to the most Reverend Padre Daniele Rosa, Italy (1613).” Filmed: September 2016. Duration: 4:04. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0074 (LUV074)

Original: Phil Warwick to Sir John Bankes (June 8, 1638). Bodleian Libraries, MS Bankes 65/1, fols. 44/45.

Model: Box 26.

Video: JD, UHRG, “Phil Warwick’s cut-triangle attached locked letter to Sir John Bankes, England (1638).” Filmed: September 2016. Duration: 3:21. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0075 (LUV075)

Original: John Coke to Sir John Bankes (August 23, 1638). Bodleian Libraries, MS Bankes 65/1, fols. 53/54.

Model: Box 26.

Video: JD, UHRG, “John Coke’s sliced-triangle attached-lock

letter to Sir John Bankes, England (1638).” Filmed: October 2016. Duration: 3:21. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0077 (LUV077)

Original: Sir Francis Walsingham to William Harborne (June 24, 1587). Bodleian Libraries, MS Tanner 79, fols. 127/128.

Model: Box 27.

Video: JD, UHRG, “Sir Francis Walsingham’s triangle-locked letter written in code, England (1587).” Filmed: September 2016. Duration: 3:36. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0083 (LUV083)

Original: John Keats to Fanny Brawne (1820). John Keats Collection, (1814–1891), Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Keats 1–6, MS Keats 1.71.

Model: Box 27.

Video: JD, UHRG, “An accessible edge hybrid-lock, John Keats’ letter to Fanny Brawne, England (1820).” Filmed: September 2016. Duration: 1:07. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0091 (LUV091)

Original: Adriaan Boreel to Mejuffr. Jacoba Sara Boreel (ca. 1689–1706).

Brienne Collection, Sound & Vision The Hague, DB-1308.

Model: Box 21.

Video: JD, SSU, UHRG, “Adriaan Boreel’s pentagonal letterpacket

(1703).” Filmed: September 2016. Duration: 2:46. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0092 (LUV092)

Original: Isabella Stewart Gardner to Mrs. A. P. Rockwell, Beverly, Massachusetts (late 19th century–early 20th century). Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston (ARC.007245).

Model: Box 27.

Video: JD, UHRG, “Accessible edge fold and adhere: Isabella Stewart Gardner’s locked letter to Mrs Rockwell, USA (1886).” Filmed: September 2016. Duration: 1:18. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0099 (LUV099)

Original: Elisabet Selis to Monsieur Benard (March 9, 1701). Brienne Collection, Sound & Vision The Hague, DB-0018.

Model: Box 21.

Video: JD, SSU, UHRG, “The chapel fold: Elisabet Selis letter to her son, a theater troupe dancer, France (1701).” Filmed: October 2016. Duration: 2:18. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0100 (LUV100)

Original: Aerogramme, United States Postal Service (1995), MIT, MC0760, Box 31.

Model: Box 27.

Video: JD, UHRG, “Aerogramme, United States Postal Service (1995).” Filmed: September 2016. Duration: 1:57. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0101 (LUV101)

Original: Tatsuo Ohashi 大橋達夫 to Shotaro Ohashi 大橋 勝太郎 (1940s). MIT, MC0760, Box 31.

Model: Box 27.

Video: JD, AL, UHRG, “Aerogramme, Japan (1940s).” Filmed: October 2016. Duration: 3:42. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0102 (LUV102)

Original: Cath Kidston fold-and-send stationery (2013) MIT, MC0760, Box 31.

Model: Box 27.

Video: JD, UHRG, “Cath Kidston fold-and-send stationery (2013). Filmed: October 2016. Duration: 1:47. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0103 (LUV103)

Original: Friar John Mowth to John Paston I (May 12, 1466). British Library, Paston Letters and Papers (1440–1489), Additional MS, 43489, fol. 15, Davis number 693.

Model: Box 27.

Video: JD, UHRG, “Friar John Mowth letter to John Paston I, sewn with covered seal, England (1466).” Filmed: December 2015. Duration: 5:47. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0106 (LUV106)

Original: Tomaso di Levrieri to Fra San Piero (January 24, 1590). Vatican Apostolic Archives, Fondo Veneto, Sezione II, 670, folder 1, letter 2.

Model: 15.

Video: JD, UHRG, “Tomaso di Levrieri’s triangle locks and tuck-and-

seal, Venice (1586–1590).” Filmed: October 2016. Duration: 13:58. Posted: October 2016. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0107 (LUV107)

Original and model: MIT, MC0760, Box 25.

Video: JD, AL, UHRG, “The Nonagon: Japan, Korea, and The Netherlands (1700s–Present).” Filmed: October 2016. Duration: 1:53. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0110 (LUV110, LUV301)

Original and model: Accordion fold, MIT, MC0760, Box 3.

Video (LUV110): JD, AL, UHRG, “Accordion fold.” Filmed: October 2016. Duration: 1:53. Accessed March 4, 2025.

Video (LUV301): HK, UW, JD, UHRG, “Hedi Kyle’s accordion-folding

technique, USA (August 8, 2023).” Filmed: August 8, 2023. Duration: 4:24. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0115 (LUV115)

Original and model: MIT, MC0760, Box 3.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Gatefold and closed gatefold.” Filmed: October 2016. Duration: 0:41. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0116 (LUV116)

Original and model: MIT, MC0760, Box 3.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Independent folding.” Filmed: October 2016. Duration: 0:46. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0117 (LUV117)

Original and model: MIT, MC0760, Box 3.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Long-edge to long-edge fold.” Filmed: October 2016. Duration: 0:24. URL: Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0118 (LUV118)

Original and model: MIT, MC0760, Box 3.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Mountain crease.” Filmed: October 2016. Duration: 0:25. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0119 (LUV119)

Original: Unknown to Monsieur de la Chenais Bellard (ca. 1689–1706).

Brienne Collection, Sound & Vision The Hague, DB-2156.

Model: Box 21.

Video: JD, SSU, UHRG, “A partially opened pleated letter, France (1701).” Filmed: November 2017. Duration: 4:18. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0120 (LUV120)

Original and model: MIT, MC0760, Box 3.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Epistolary writing substrate parts.” Filmed: October 2016. Duration: 0:42. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0121 (LUV121)

Original and model: MIT, MC0760, Box 3.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Roll fold.” Filmed: October

2016. Duration: 0:38. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0122 (LUV122)

Original and model: MIT, MC0760, Box 3.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Short and long panels.” Filmed: October 2016. Duration: 1:08. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0123 (LUV123)

Original and model: MIT, MC0760, Box 3.

Video: JD, UHRG, “Short-edge to short-edge fold.”

Filmed: October 2016. Duration: 0:31. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0124 (LUV124)

Original and model: MIT, MC0760, Box 3.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Tandem fold.” Filmed: October 2016. Duration: 0:49. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0125 (LUV125)

Original and model: MIT, MC0760, Box 3.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Diagonal fold.” Filmed: October 2016. Duration: 0:49. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0126 (LUV126)

Original and model: MIT, MC0760, Box 3.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Valley crease.” Filmed: October 2016. Duration: 0:25. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0127 (LUV127)

Original: Unidentified author to the city consuls (December 16, 1638). Musée de La Poste, Paris, Vivarez Collection, MO 6048.

Model: Box 29.

Video: JD, UHRG, “A rare spiral lock, France (1638).” Filmed: November 2017. Duration: 5:29. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0128 (LUV128)

Original: Laurens Bidaud to counselors, Saillans (Drôme) (1639). Musée de La Poste, Vivarez Collection, MO 1445.

Model: Box 29.

Video: JD, UHRG, “A spiral lock with seals, France (1639).” Filmed: November 2017. Duration: 7:35. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0129 (LUV129)

Original: A letter to the Lord of Castelneuf from his nephew (1450s–1500s). Mousel, France (Musée de La Poste), Paris, France, MO 8186.

Model: Box 25.

Video: JD, UHRG, “An early locked paper letter with parchment lock, France (1450s–1500s).” Filmed: November 2017. Duration: 1:41. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0131 (LUV131, LUV180)

Original: Elizabeth I to Henry III, King of France (1570s). Harry Ransom Center, Medieval and Early Modern Manuscript Collection, Letters of British Royalty, HRC 57.

Model: Box 16.

Video (LUV131): JD, DSS, UHRG, “Queen Elizabeth I’s holograph letter to Henry III, King of France, England (1574–1589s).” Filmed: November 2017.

Duration: 8:49. Accessed March 4, 2025.

Video (LUV180): JD, DSS, UHRG, “Alternate ending: Queen Elizabeth I’s holograph spiral-locked letter to Henry III, King of France, England (1570s).” Filmed: November 2017. Duration: 8:49. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0137 (LUV137)

Original: Elizabeth I to François, Duc d’Alençon, (1583). The National Archives, Kew, SP 78/9, fol. 75b.

Model: Box 16.

Video: JD, DSS, “Queen Elizabeth’s triangle-shaped letterpacket to François, Duc d’ d’Alençon, England (1583).” Filmed: November 2017. Duration: 5:14. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0138 (LUV138)

Original: A letter written in Armenian (1706). Musée de La Poste, MO8190.

Model: Box 26.

Video: JD, UHRG, “A tuck-and-seal letter written in Armenian, Europe (1706).” Filmed: November 2017. Duration: 4:10. Posted: November 2017. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0143 (LUV143)

Original: Ch. Aber, S.J., to Monsieur Carneij Dr. en Droit civil (May 3, 1689). Brienne Collection, Sound & Vision The Hague, DB-1910.

Model: Box 21.

Video: JD, NA, SSU, UHRG, “A locked pleated letter (1689).” Filmed: November 2017. Duration: 4:50. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0145 (LUV145)

Original: John de Vere, 13th Earl of Oxford, Lord High Admiral, to John Paston II (July 18, 1469). British Library, Add. MS 43489, fol. 33.

Model: Box 27.

Video: JD, UHRG, “John de Vere’s rolled or folded letter to John Paston II, England (1469).” Filmed: November 2017. Duration: 2:48. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0147 (LUV147)

Original and model: MIT, MC0760, Box 3.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Z fold.” Filmed: November 2017. Duration: 0:19. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0148 (LUV148)

Original and model: MIT, MC0760, Box 3.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Quartered fold.” Filmed: November 2017. Duration: 0:23. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0150 (LUV150)

Original and model: MIT, MC0760, Box 3.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Crosswise double parallel margin fold." Filmed: November 2017. Duration: 0:58. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0151 (LUV151)

Original and model: MIT, MC0760, Box 3.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Dog-ear fold.” Filmed: November 2017. Duration: 0:17. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0152 (LUV152)

Original and model: MIT, MC0760, Box 3.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “C fold.” Filmed: November 2017. Duration: 0:25. Accessed March 4, 2025.


Original: John Hay, telegram partially written in code to unknown recipient, Washington, DC, 1899. Houghton Library, Harvard University, bMS AM 1308, 98.

Model: Box 28.

Video: JD, UHRG, "John Hay’s Coded Telegram, Europe (1899)." Filmed: November 2017. Duration: 2:44. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0156 (LUV156)

Original and model: UH model of Sirius Black to Harry Potter (1994), MIT, MC0760, Box 27. 

Video: EHC, JD, UHRG, “Sirius Black’s locked triangle letter to Harry Potter, England (1994).” Filmed: November 2017. Duration: 4:15. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0157 (LUV157)

Original: Poggio Bracciolini to the Prior of Siena (1455). British Library, Add. MS 21520, fol. 1.

Model: Box 27.

Video: JD, UHRG, “Poggio Bracciolini’s two-piece locked letter, Italy (1455).” Filmed: November 2017. Duration: 3:21. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0158 (LUV158)

Original: Eduardo Pacis to Pope Clement VII, Portugal (1532). Vatican Apostolic Archive, Principi 7, fol. 347r.

Model: Box 29.

Video: JD, UHRG, “Eduardo Pacis to Pope Clement VII, Portugal (1532).” Filmed: November 2017. Duration: 3:55. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0160 (LUV160)

Original: Hr. W. Proske to Frau F. Schwab, England (June 10, 1918). MIT, MC0760, Box 31.

Model: Box 26.

Video: JD, UHRG. “WWI Prisoner of War Hr. W. Proske’s Letter to Frau F. Schwab, England (1918),” Filmed: November 2017. Duration: 2:48. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0161 (LUV161)

Original: Ludwig van Beethoven to Karl Holz (date not known). Houghton Library, Harvard University, bMS Lowell, fol. 20.

Model: Box 25.

Video: JD, UHRG, “Beethoven’s folded letter to Karl Holz, Europe (date not known).” Filmed: December 2017. Duration: 2:26. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0162 (LUV162)

Original and model: MIT, MC0760, Box 3.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Pushed-in folds.” Filmed: November 2017. Duration: 0:50. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0166 (LUV166)

Original: Hendrik Tijnmens to his father Klaes Tijnmens (December 14, 1689). Brienne Collection, Sound & Vision The Hague, DB 2004.

Model: Box 21.

Video: JD, DSS, SSU, UHRG, “A POW letter: A son’s diamond-locked

letter to his father, France (1689).” Filmed: December 2017. Duration: 3:41. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0168 (LUV168, LUV302)

Original: Jane Austen’s holograph letter to Cassandra Austen, Bath, England (May 17, 1799). Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng 870, Box 2 (83A).

Model: Box 27.

Video (LUV168): JD, TL, UHRG, Incorrect fold sequence: “Jane Austen’s signed holograph letter to her best friend and sister, Cassandra Austen, England (1799).” Filmed: January 17, 2022. Duration: 2:51. U3eAEwz35QE. Accessed March 4, 2025.

Video (LUV302): JD, UHRG, Corrected folding sequence: “Jane Austen's roll-folded locked letter to Cassandra, England (1799).” Filmed: April 8, 2024. Duration: 3:05. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0169 (LUV169)

Original: Ōtomo Sōrin to his retainer Wakabayashi Danjonojo (August 16, 1569). National Museum of Japanese History, Chiba, Sakura-City, Japan, Call Number H.66.48.

Model: Box 27.

Video: AL, JD, UHRG, “Letterlocking: 切封 Kirifu: Ōtomo Sorin’s, 大友宗麟 letter to his retainer, Japan (August 16, 1569).” Filmed: December 2017. Duration: 3:23. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0171 (LUV171)

Original: J.G. Herklots to Lieutenant George August Dossit D’Alban (August 25, 5796, Masonic Year). The National Archives, Kew, HCA 30/766.

Model: MIT Libraries: MC0760, Box 26.

Video: JD, DSS, LH, UHRG, “Prize Papers Archive: triangle letterpacket containing an invitation to a meeting of the Masonic Lodge La Vertueuse (August 25, 5796) (Masonic Year).” Filmed: July 2021. Duration: 1:53. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0172 (LUV172)

Original and model: MIT, MC0760, Box 3.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Parts of a writing substrate: folio.” Filmed: December 2017. Duration: 0:17. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0174 (LUV174)

Original: John Donne to Sir Edward Herbert (January 23, 1615). The National Archives, Kew, PRO 30/53/7/8, fol. 15.

Model: Box 17.

Video: JD, DSS, DF, UHRG, “John Donne’s letter to Sir Edward Herbert, England (1615).” Filmed: November 2017. Duration: 4:10. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0184 (LUV184)

Original and model: Fold-over lock-SA produced by cutting away, MIT, MC0760, Box 3. 

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Locking mechanism 4: fold-over lock-SA produced by cutting away, USA (2017).” Filmed: December 2017. Duration: 1:25. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0185 (LUV185)

Original and model: Lock-SA fold-over star letterwrapper or wrapper. MIT, MC0760, Box 3.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Locking mechanism 5: lock-SA fold-over

star letterwrapper or wrapper, USA (2017).” Filmed: December 2017. Duration: 0:33. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0188 (LUV188)

Original and model: Closure flap: double corner fold + gatefold. MIT, MC0760, Box 3.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Locking mechanism 8: closure flap: Double corner fold + gatefold, USA (2017).” Filmed: December 2017. Duration: 1:02. Accessed March 4, 2025. 

UH0189 (LUV189)

Original and model: Closure flap: gatefold + double corner fold. MIT, MC0760, Box 3.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Locking mechanism 9: closure flap: gatefold + double corner fold, USA (2017).” Filmed: December 2017. Duration: 1:09. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0191 (LUV191)

Original and model: Closure flap: gatefold + reverse double corner fold + double corner fold. MIT, MC0760, Box 3. 

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Locking mechanism 11: closure flap: gatefold + reverse double corner fold + double corner fold, USA (2017).” Filmed: December 2017. Duration: 1:47. Accessed

March 4, 2025.

UH0192 (LUV192)

Original and model: Gate fold + reverse double corner fold + fold-over.

MIT, MC0760, Box 3.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Locking mechanism 12: gate fold + reverse double corner fold + fold-over, USA (2017).” Filmed: December 2017. Duration: 1:10. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0193 (LUV193)

Original and model: Closure flap: gatefold + reverse double corner fold + scallop edge closure flap. MIT, MC0760, Box 3.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Locking mechanism 13: gatefold + reverse double corner fold + scallop edge closure flap (2017).” Filmed: December 2017. Duration: 1:25. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0194 (LUV194)

Original and model: closure flap: gatefold + pushed-in fold + straddle. MIT, MC0760, Box 3.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Locking mechanism 15: closure flap: Gatefold + pushed-in fold + straddle, USA (2017).” Filmed: December 2017. Duration: 1:15. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0196 (LUV196)

Original and model: Closure flap: gatefold + pushed-in fold + stack. MIT, MC0760, Box 3.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Locking mechanism 17: closure flap: gatefold + pushed-in fold + stack, USA (2017).” Filmed: December 2017. Duration: 0:57. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0200 (LUV200)

Original and model: Closure flap: gatefold + roll fold + double corner fold + double reverse corner fold. MIT, MC0760, Box 3.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Locking mechanism 21: closure flap: gatefold + roll fold + double corner fold + double reverse corner fold, USA (2017).” Filmed: December 2017. Duration: 0:55. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0217 (LUV217)

Original: Jacques Sennaques to Pierre Le Pers (1697). Brienne Collection, Sound & Vision The Hague, DB-1627. 

Model: Box 21.

Video: AG, HJ, JD, DSS, SSU, UHRG, “Jacques Sennacques’s virtually unfolded letter to his cousin Pierre le Pers, France (1697).” Filmed: July 2021. Duration: 1:34. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0218 (LUV 218, LUV253, LUV257, LUV258)

Original: Unknown to Madame Collin (ca. 1689–1706). Brienne Collection, Sound & Vision The Hague, DB-1538.

Model: Box 21.

Video (LUV218): JD, DSS, SSU, UHRG, “A virtually unfolded letter to Madame Collin at the home of Monsieur Harlan, tax collector, France (ca. 1689–1706).” Filmed: July 2021. Duration: 1:39. Accessed March 4, 2025.

Video (LUV253): AG, “Virtual Reality: Announcing a world first! Virtual unfolding a sealed letter from the Brienne Collection (DB-1538)!” Filmed: October 2020. Duration: 0:06. Accessed

March 4, 2025.

Video (LUV257): AG, “XMT scan animation exploded view of letterpacket layers from the Brienne Collection (DB-1538).” Filmed: October 2020. Duration: 0:20. Accessed March 4, 2025.

Video (LUV258): AG, “Virtual unfolding: growing and flattening animation of an unopened letter from the Brienne Collection (DB-1538).” Filmed: October 2020. Duration: 1:17. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0219 (LUV219)

Original: Unknown sender to Madame de Morlain (1690–1724). Brienne Collection, Sound & Vision, The Hague, 46, DB-1976

Model: Box 21. 

Video: JD, DSS, SSU, UHRG, “A virtually unfolded letter to Madame de Mesgral from De Morlaix in Brittany to The Hague, France (ca. 1689–1706).” Filmed: July 2021. Duration: 3:07. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0220 (LUV220)

Original: A nonagon letterpacket sent to the attention of Lieutenant D’Alban relating to a Masonic suitcase, (1798). The National Archives, Kew, The Prize Paper Collection, HCA 30/766.

Model: Box 25.

Video: JD, DSS, LC, UHRG, “Prize Papers Archive: A nonagon letterpacket sent to the attention of Lieutenant D’Alban relating to a Masonic suitcase, 1798.” Filmed: July 30, 2021. Duration: 2:09. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0221 (LUV221)

Original: Unknown to unknown (date not known). The Notarial Archives, Malta, T61.

Model: Box 25.

Video: RA, JD, DSS, UHRG, “Malta Notarial Archives: A letter written in Moroccan dialect and folded into a triangle-shaped letterpacket, Malta (date not known).” Filmed: July 30, 2021. Duration: 1:52. Accessed March 4, 2025.


Original: John Donne to William Trumbull (September 10, 1614). British Library, Add. MS 72346, fol. 57r. 

Model: MIT Libraries: MC0760 Box 17.

UH0224 (LUV224)

Original: Catherine de’ Medici to Raimond de Beccarie, Monsieur de Fourquevaux (1570). MIT Libraries, DC111.A2 C38 1570.

Model: Box 29.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Catherine de’ Medici’s concealed spiral-locked

letter to Raimond de Beccarie (1570).” Filmed: July 30, 2021. Duration: 7:51. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0225 (LUV225)

Original and model: A trick letter found by Shakespeare’s Malvolio (2019). MIT, MC0760, Box 18.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Shakespeare props, Twelfth Night, Malvolio’s letter: ‘By your leave, wax’.” Filmed: July 30, 2021. Duration: 4:31.

Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0227 (LUV227)

Original: Phillis Wheatley to Obour Tanner (May 6, 1774), Massachusetts Historical Society, Miscellaneous Bound Manuscripts.

Model: Box 26.

Video: JD, SW, WE, LE, UHRG, “Miss Phillis Wheatley’s rolled, tuck-and-seal letter to Miss Obour Tanner, England (May 6, 1774).” Filmed: March 6, 2023. Duration: 2:36. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0228 (LUV228)

Original and model: Pagu big heart. MIT, MC 0760, Box 25.

Video: JD, DSS, TC, UHRG, “Pagu big heart, USA (2017).” Filmed: January 9, 2022. Duration: 0:59. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0230 (LUV230)

Original: Maaggriet Opper to Willem Bauest Jagger (1777 and 1821). Doesburg Collection, Sound & Vision The Hague, DB-00045–597.

Model: Box 27.

Video: RV, JD, UHRG, “Fascinating flaps: Maaggriet Opper’s letter to her husband Willem Bauest Jagger (1777 and 1821).” Filmed: July 30, 2021. Duration: 4:04. https:// Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0231 (LUV231)

Original: Burgetta Quack to Johannes Elderveld (ca. 1800). Doesburg Collection, Sound & Vision The Hague, DB-00045–684.

Model: Box 27.

Video: RV, JD, UHRG “Fascinating flaps: Burgetta Quack’s letter to Johannes Elderveld, The Netherlands (1800).” Filmed: July 30, 2021. Duration: 3:22. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0232 (LUV232)

Original: Unknown to unknown. A pentagonal letterpacket (October 25, 1783). Musée de La Poste, MO 900. 11.

Model: Box 27.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “A pentagonal letterpacket, France.” Filmed: January 17, 2022. Duration: 2:38. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0233 (LUV233)

Original and model: Locking mechanism 14: closure flap: 60 degree double corner folds, USA (2021). MIT, MC0760, Box 3.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Locking mechanism 14: Closure flap: 60 degree double corner folds, USA (2021).” Filmed: July 31, 2021. Duration: 1:07. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH0239 (LUV239)

Original: Edgar Allen Poe to Charles Astor Bristed, New York (June 7, 1848). Harry Ransom Center, The University of Texas at Austin, Edgar Allan Poe Collection, MS-03283.

Model: Box 26.

UH0248 (LUV248)

Original and model: Prop model of Jessica’s letter to Lorenzo in Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice. MIT,MC0760, Box 18.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Shakespeare props, Merchant of Venice, Jessica to Lorenzo: ‘do it secretly’.” Filmed: July 31, 2021. Duration: 4:02. Accessed March 4, 2025.


Original: John Donne to Sir Thomas Egerton (February 2, 1602). Folger Shakespeare Library, L.b. 526.

Model: Box 17.


Original: Hassan El-Masri to the Devine Brothers, Egypt (May 24, 1944). MIT, MC0760, Box 32.


Original: Japanese military lettersheet, unused (ca. 1940s). MIT, MC0760, Box 31.

Model: Box 27.


Original: Letter sent from Messina to Firenze, Italy (1618). MIT, MC0760, Box 31.

Model: Box 27.


Original: Mr Chordan to Giuseppe Sonnino, Egypt (1843). MIT, MC0760, Box 32.

Model: Box 27.


Original: Ship captain to the Council of Ten, Venice (March 25, 1540). MIT, MC0760, Box 32.


Original: A locked letter to Isabel Downing, Pennsylvania (1930). MIT, MC0760, Box 32.

Model: Box 27.


Original: Costanzo Baitelli to Hieronimo Nigribono, Piacenza (1570). MIT, MC0760, Box 33.


Original: US lettersheet sent to David G. Lewis (1887). MIT, MC0760, Box 33.


Original: Marie Antoinette to Cardinal Ignazio Boncompagni Ludovisi (January 31, 1778). Archivio Boncompagni Ludovisi (Villa Aurora).

Model: Boxes 25 and 52.


Original: Marie Antoinette to Cardinal Ignazio Boncompagni Ludovisi (January 31, 1778). Archivio Boncompagni Ludovisi (Villa Aurora).

Model: Boxes 25 and 52.


Original: Marie Antoinette to Cardinal Ignazio Boncompagni Ludovisi (January 31, 1780). Archivio Boncompagni Ludovisi (Villa Aurora).

Model: Boxes 25 and 52.


Original: Elizabeth I letter to John Erskine, Earl of Mar and Regent of Scotland (September 6, 1572), cover art for Magg’s Bros Limited Catalogue 1427, Autograph Letters and Documents (London: Purely Print, 2008).

Model: Box 16.


Original: Elizabeth I to James VI (January 1587). British Library, Add. MS 23240, fols. 57v–58r. Model: Box 16.


Original: Royal commission from Elizabeth I to George Talbot, 6th Earl of Shrewsbury (January 16, 1580). British Library, Add. MS 33,594, fol. 5.

Model: Box 16.


Original: Royal commission from Elizabeth I to Sir John Zouche (January 16, 1580). British Library, Add. MS 33,594, fols. 6–7.

Model: Box 16.


Original: Royal commission from Elizabeth I to George Nevell (January 16, 1580). British Library, Add. MS 33,594, fols. 8–9.

Model: Box 16.

UH0596 (LUV060)

Original: Royal commission from Elizabeth I to Francis Hastings (January 16, 1580). British Library, Add. MS 33,594, fols. 10–11.

Model: Box 16.

Video: JD, UHRG, “Elizabeth I’s two-piece locked Royal Commission, England (1580).” Filmed: December 2015. Duration: 3:51. Accessed March 4, 2025.


Original: Mary, Queen of Scots, to Sir William Cecil (May 19, 1567). Hatfield House, Cecil Papers, CP.133.62.


Original: Caterina Sforza to Ludovico Sforza, Imola (December 18, 1477). White Collection of Italian Renaissance documents, Morgan Library and Museum, MA.2691.12.

Model: Box 28.


Original: Henry VIII’s writ and subpoena to Sir William Troutbek, Richmond (May 26, no year). British Library, Add. MS 46454, fol. 26r–v.

Model: Box 28.


Original: Martin I, King of Aragon to Louis, Duc of Orleans (May 22, 1404). Houghton University, Harvard University, Box 1, MS Typ 762.

Model: Box 28.


Original: Handmade Chancery paper, University of Iowa

Center for the Book (UICB).

Model: Box 54.


Original: Mary, Queen of Scots to Bertrand de Salignac de la Mothe-Fénelon (February 20, 1574). Harry Ransom Center, HRC 56.

Model: Box 16.


Original: Unknown to Du Manier, Louison, (1699). Brienne

Collection, Sound & Vision, The Hague, DB-0017.

Model: Box 21.

UH3021 (letterwapper containing UH3022)

Original: F. Guynier to Cuyper (August 4, 1698). Brienne Collection, Sound & Vision, The Hague, DB-0054–1, DB-0054–2.

Model: Box 21.

UH3022 (inserted inside letterwapper UH3021)

Original: F. Guynier to Monsieur Hill (August 5, 1698). Brienne Collection, Sound & Vision, The Hague, DB-0054–3; DB-0054–4; DB-0054–5.

Model: Box 21.


Original: Unknown to Monsieur Brandon Merchand, Brienne

Collection, Sound & Vision, The Hague, DB-0259.


Original: Unknown to Malhier (ca. 1689–1706). Brienne Collection, Sound & Vision, The Hague, DB-0366a-1, DB-0366a-02.

Model: Box 21. 


Original: Keys to substrate maps, step-by-steps, and overlays, 2024.

Model: Box 1.


Original: J. de la Ruce to M. de Traveci (ca. 1689–1706). Brienne Collection, Sound & Vision, The Hague, DB-10021–02.

Model: Box 21


Original and model: Brien Beidler’s octagonal letter to Jana Dambrogio (2016). MIT, MC0760, Box 32.


Original and model: Ayako Letizia shirt-shaped letter to

Jana Dambrogio (2016). MIT, MC0760, Box 32.


Original: Hexagon criss-cross format letterpacket. The National Archives, Kew, The Prize Papers, HCA 30/766.

Model: Box 25.


Original: Pentagon criss-cross format letterpacket. The National Archives, Kew, The Prize Papers, HCA 30/766.

Model: Box 25.


Original: Heptagon criss-cross format letterpacket. The National Archives, Kew. The Prize Papers, HCA 30/766.

Model: Box 25.


Original and model: Hexagon pouch letterpacket. MIT, MC0760, Box 25.


Original and model: Origami star (2014). MIT, MC 0760, Box 25.

UH6087 (LUV268)

Original: Unknown to unknown, Valentine Puzzle Purse (1826). The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1981.1136.178.

Model: Box 25.

Video: JD, DSS, UHRG, “Valentine puzzle purse, England or USA (1826).” Filmed: July 30, 2021. Duration: 1:17. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH6089 (LUV263)

Original: Letterlocking categories and formats chart, 2021.

Model: Box 1.

Video: JD, DS, UHRG, “Unlocking History’s Launch Little Book of Locks (2021).” Filmed: July 30, 2021. Duration: 2:49. Accessed June 1, 2024.


Original: Giovanni Runco to the management of the Ritmeier [Institute for the Blind], in Braille, Italy (March 22, 1930). MIT, MC0760, container 32.

Model: Box 33.

UH6100 (LUV226)

Original and model: Pagu Small Heart (2017). MIT, MC 0760, Box 55.

Video: JD, DS, TCh, BB, DA, AL, UHRG, “Pagu Small Heart USA (2017).” Filmed: January 9, 2022. Duration: 2:02. Accessed June 1, 2024.


Original and model: Pakistan aerogramme, unused (1969). MIT, MC0760, Box 33.


Original: Dietrich Hoerner to Heinrich Schelt, Hanseatic merchant in the Steelyard in London; German (1533), Archives of the Hanseatic City of Lübeck (Archiv der Hansestadt Lübeck), Altes Senatsarchiv (HL AHL ASA),

Externa Anglicana 476, folder with letters, nr. 19.

Model: Box 28.


Original: Jheronnimus to his brother Jasper, in Dutch (1533). Archives of the Hanseatic City of Lübeck (Archiv der Hansestadt Lübeck) Altes Senatsarchiv (HL AHL ASA), Externa Anglicana 476, folder with letters, nr. 29.

Model: Box 28.


Original: Ludwig van Beethoven to Johann Baptist Rupprecht (ca. 1814). Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng 870, (79B).

Model: Box 54.

UH6171 (LUV287)

Original: Romare Bearden to Billie Allen (1979). Walter O. Evans, MD, and Linda J. Evans, private collection.

Model: Box 54.

Video: JD, SW, WE, LE, UHRG, “Romare Bearden’s illustrated aerogramme to Billie Allen, Sint Maarten (1979).” Filmed: March 6, 2023. Duration: 2:20. Accessed March 4, 2025.


Original. Letter from Toussaint Louverture. Walter O. Evans, MD, and Linda J. Evans, private collection.

UH6179 (envelope)

UH6180 (letter) (LUV291)

Original: Emily Dickinson to W. Austin Dickinson (December 11, 1847). Correspondence, Emily Dickinson Collection, Amherst College Archives and Special Collections: Shelf Location, Box 6 Folder 91.

Model: Box 54

Video: JD, DSS, JP, LM, UHRG, “‘I watch and I hope for you,’ 17-year-old Emily Dickinson’s hybrid-locked letterpacket to her brother Austin, USA (1847).” Filmed: April 9, 2024. Duration: 6:37. Accessed March 4, 2025.

UH6181 (LUV286)

Original: Ira Aldridge to Sir MacDonnell, Ireland (1835). Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, New York Public Library, Miscellaneous American Letters

and Papers (MALP), 1740-2006 SC MG 76, b. 1 f. 16, “MALP- Aldridge, Ira.”

Model: Box 54.

Video: JD, SW, WE, LE, UHRG, “Did the independent folds of Ira Aldridge’s tuck-and-seal once contain an inserted item? Kilkenny, Ireland (February 8, 1835).” Filmed: November 16, 2022. Duration: 3:38. Accessed June 1, 2024.

UH6194 (LUV295)

Original: Henri Christophe to Toussaint Louverture (1802).

Walter O. Evans, MD, and Linda J. Evans, private collection.

Model: Box 54.

Video: JD, SW, WE, LE, UHRG, “Henri Christophe’s tuck-and-seal letter to Toussaint Louverture, Haiti (1802).” Filmed: March 6, 2023. Duration: 1:29. Accessed March 4, 2025.


Original: Phillis Wheatley to Obour Tanner (March 21, 1774). Massachusetts Historical Society.

Model: Box 54.


Original: Letterlocking categories and formats chart, updated 2023.

Model: Box 1.

UH6211 (LUV297)

Original: Josephine Baker to Margaret “Meg” Martin Wallace, France (November 1, 1938). Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, 2010.36.14.

Model: Box 28.


Original: Sir Isaac Newton to Robert Hooke, Woolstrope, Lincolnshire, England (May 18, 1678). Morgan Library and Museum, MA1064.4.

Model: Box 54.


Original: Bess of Hardwick to unknown (December? 1573). The National Archives, Kew, SP 12/93, fol. 102r-v.

Model: Box 54.


Original: Letter of Credence appointing Anson Burlingame as Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary for China to the United States (ca. 1867). US National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 59: General Records of the Department of StateSeries: Ceremonial

Records Relating to China, NAID: 147969846.


Original and model: Brienne diamond sealed with a heart rainbow sticker.

Model: Box 54


Original: King Eyo Honesty II to a British captain (1842–1845). Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, 2018.46.8.4.

Model: Box 54.


Original: Jane Austen to Cassandra Austen (October 14, 1813). Houghton Library, Harvard University, Ms Lowell Autograph file (17).


Original: Locked model giveaway (March 16, 2014). MIT, MC0760, Box 26.


Original: United Nations Aerogramme (ca. 1941–1960), 10-cent stamp. MIT, MC0760, Box 54.


Original: Book of models documenting conservation repairs and typical damage found on locked letters (June 2013). MIT, MC0760, Box 38.