The Hidden History of the Letter
Jana Dambrogio & Daniel Starza Smith
with the Unlocking History Research Group
Publisher: The MIT Press
Publication date: March 4, 2025.
Hardcover | ISBN: 9780262049276
528 pp., 9 x 9 in, 361 color illus.
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The rich history of a centuries-old document security technology—folding and securing a letter into its own envelope for delivery—and a comprehensive guide to learning how to make your own locked letters.
Before the invention of the gummed envelope in the 1830s, how did people secure their private letters? The answer is letterlocking—the ingenious process of folding, slitting, and securing a letter with a strip of paper and sealing wax so that it becomes its own envelope. The practice, used by historical figures ranging from Elizabeth I and her spymaster to Japanese samurai lords, and nearly entirely forgotten, was an everyday activity for centuries, across cultures, borders, and social classes. In Letterlocking, Jana Dambrogio and Daniel Starza Smith, experts who have pioneered the field over the last ten years, tell the fascinating story of letterlocking within epistolary history, drawing on real historical examples from all over the world.
Fully illustrated with more than 500 images and diagrams, including a dictionary of hundreds of technical terms and concepts, Letterlocking describes the essential precepts of the practice and provides sources of practical support needed for beginner and advanced users of letterlocking. The authors also advocate for the understanding of letterlocking and for its inclusion in a range of intellectual and cultural enquiries, from conservation science and archival databases to historical television shows. By the end of the book, readers will learn how to make locked letters, study letters that may have been locked, and categorize those letters using systems the authors developed while studying over 250,000 historic letters.
Letterlocking will be accompanied by a website, freely accessible scholarly articles, and instructional videos and diagrams, as well as foldable, tear-out sheets with instructions on how to fold and lock a letter.
Jana Dambrogio is Thomas F. Peterson (1957) Conservator for Massachusetts Institute of Technology Libraries. She previously held positions at the US National Archives, the United Nations, and the Vatican Apostolic Archives.
Daniel Starza Smith is Senior Lecturer in Early Modern English Literature at King's College London. His books include John Donne and the Conway Papers and Manuscript Miscellanies in Early Modern England, edited with Joshua Eckhardt. He is General Editor of the correspondence of John Donne for Oxford University Press.
Dambrogio and Smith are founders of the Unlocking History research group (letterlocking.org), an international and interdisciplinary collection of experts dedicated to studying historical communication technologies.
Unlocking History Research Group members
Alan Bryson
Alison Wiggins, Ph.D
Amanda Ghassaei
Amanda Gittens
Andrea Clarke
Annie Dunn
Ariana Rutledge
Athanasios Velios
Ayako Letizia
Brian Chan
Brien Beidler
Caitlin Jenkins
Camille Dekeyser
Carla Schroer
Caroline Chea
Dagmar Freist
Daniel Starza Smith
David Mills
David van der Linden
Deborah Carlton
Diana Henderson
Dorian Aguilar
Emilie Hardman
Emily Hishta Cohen
Erik Demaine
Graham Davis
Hedi Kyle
Holly Jackson
Jacky Martin
Jana Dambrogio
Jennifer Pellecchia
Jessica Spring
Jonas Kantola
Jordi Rocha
Justyna Wubs-Mrozewicz
Kate Cherian
Katheryn Scott
Koos Havelaar
Laura Bergemann
Leslie Morris
Linda J. Evans
Linnea Vegh
Lorraine Bigrigg
Lucas Haasis
Lucy Brown
Marc Hammonds
Mark Mudge
Marlin Lum
Martin Demaine
Mary Uthuppuru
Matthew Li
Michael Christiansen
Mike Tarkanian
Millie Sidebottom
Nadine Akkerman
Neil Gershenfeld
Nicholas Sikellis
Nicole Araya
Patricia Merrikin
Rebekah Ahrendt
Ruben Verwaal
Rufeida Alhatimy
Sheree Watson, MD
Simon Kim
Stephen Skuce
Teresa Leone
Tomas Brown
Tracy Chang
Udit Mahalingam
Ulla Warchol
Vincent Thuet
Walter O. Evans, MD
Yasmeen Alfaqeeh
Zimin Cheng